The main purpose of Media Pocket Loader is to support the transfer of large media projects, while keeping the whole project structure and all files intact.
Loader will therefore serve as a cloud archiving tool that will also allow project restoration back into production with the correct project structure by using Loader restore.
Archive processes can be configured to start in a certain interval or time of the day.
The archive process:
- The archive process is initiated from a defined folder located in the production environment, for example loader/media/to_archive
- When a project folder/file is moved to the defined Archive folder, Loader will recognise the folder/file and start the archiving process, under which the folder/file in question should not be touched. The process can be monitored at from the Loader page in Media Pocket
- The archive schedule can be defined in Loader config. A new process can be started every minute by default
- Archived project will be either public or private in Media Pocket, depending on the configuration
- Archive jobs are automatically routed to an own queue in the Media Pocket backend, which means that user jobs in Media Pocket will be prioritized over archive jobs
- When the archive process is completed, the archived material will be moved under the folder successfully_archived
- If an archive process is canceled in Media Pocket, the folder will be moved to "canceled" -folder that will automatically be created under loader/media/to_archive
- Archive processes can be set to delete on completion, meaning that once an archive process has been completed, the material will be deleted from the production server
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